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"The art of giving has proven to be one of the greatest human values"

Work beyond my IT world
I am helping people those are struggling with any kind of disability. Word ‘’disabled’’is mostly related to conditions of a person who are diagnosed particularly with some kind of mental and physical condition. Stop using word ‘’disabled’’ start using 'differently able’ or ‘especially abled’ & people with mental or physical conditions are differently able because they possess a unique set of abilities and perspectives. Everybody has ability, and everybody matters, it's all about acknowledging it.
People with ‘differently able’ become vulnerable because of many barriers they face like attitudinal, physical and financial. It’s our moral duty to address these barriers within our reach & capacity. It will unlock the potential of such people & they can contribute to this world so much.
If you personally know someone with mental or physical conditions, the best way you can help is to provide them unconditional love, support and patience.
I am trying to facilitate help such people with the support of Narayan Seva Santhan( who are helping such people to access to their health, rehabilitation, support & education.
Also, I am a YouTube blogger and blogging video’s related to reviews of books, motivational real story’s, healthy life style & Inner Engineering principles prescribed in Hindu Vedanta world. Also, you can see one health tips blog from my wife Shobha & she share the real-life experiences & tips related to good health.
I also conduct and facilitate the workshop related to Bhagavad Gita &Vedanta philosophy practices which are most relevant in our real day to day life.

You can protect yourself and help prevent spreading the virus to others if you:
Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze Avoid close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are unwell Stay home and self-isolate from others in the household if you feel unwell
Touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean
Note -
See below more stesp in Slide for protection.
How to wash your hand - video message from little boy.

7 years old boy story to whom I met in NSS Udaipur.
I am recollecting one memory of 7 years old boy in Narayan Seva Sansthan Udaipur remembering his sparkling eye's, having full of dream about his life.
When I ask him what he will do when he will get fully cured, he told he want to become a rich man. When I ask the reason?
He told if he became rich he can donate more money to NSS like organization to help more kids like him. I was shocked to hear from him & for me he is an ambassador for all of us.
Appeal to all come forward & be associate like organization ‘’ Narayan Seva Sansthan Udaipur’’ are really working for disability selflessly.

NSS Norway event highlight
Norway contributed for 40 children corrective surgerys.Big thanks to norway community.

Norway NSS event Nov 2017
Thanks note from Ajay after sucessfull corrective surgery of his son.
Thanks note from Satya Narayan after sucessfull corrective surgery of his daughter.
Thanks note from Ajay kumar after sucessfull corrective surgery
Narayan Seva Sansthan doing great for rehablitation of disabled community an small intorduction.
Books reviews video
Governing Business and Relationship explained based on Dharma of each. Swamiji A Parthasarthy has unique style of explaining complex contemporary matters in simple and lucid language full with examples. It is a ancient traditional Indian style to impart education to the seeker of knowledge. Good to read for people are in leadership role.
Let’s Chat-
If you’re a fan of my videos, I would love to hear from you! Get in touch with me today with any questions, comments or business opportunities. Also if you want to contribute for corrective surgery for any one under privileged person please email me or whats app me.
Also, happy to discuss & can approach any discussion around below:-
*Inner Engineering workshop or individual consultation
*Motivational workshop or individual consultation
Oslo, Norway
Whats app- +4746713425
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